Who is this website for?
Fair question. Certainly, it’s not for everyone. Here’s my top 11:
1. Friends of James (Even if we haven’t formally met).
2. Family of James (Yes, we’ve met. Nice to see you here).
3. Folks interested in the things I like to write about
4. Science Fiction fans looking for something different. (You’ve not heard this story before).
5. Folks who would like to write a book, but aren’t quite sure how to go about it. (Totally me in 2014. I’ll share what worked for me).
6. Conspiracy Theorists (You guys are the KINGS of “What if?”).
7. Dogs that read and smile (comprehension optional).
8. Smart asses
9. Egg Hunters
10. Storytellers and story-readers
11. Janis Ian, Ian Malcolm, Malcom Reynolds
This website is not for:
1. Jerks
2. Jabba
3. Zombies (because they’re annoying)
4. Vampires (because they suck)
5. Jerks
If you like what you see, join me on my self-publishing journey. It should be fun. Sign up here, and you can check out (for free) Tuck, the story of a coffee-obsessed detective of the future who usually just wants to be left to his own devices, but as you’ll see, can’t seem to let things well enough alone make that happen.
Then once a fortnight, I’ll send you an update. Some will be funny. Some ironic and others marginally insightful. But never boring.