MIDWAY, THE SEQUEL to James Slater's thriller, Claustrom, delivers another non-stop sci-fi ride. Hang on to your butts as Pilot Durt Larson and flight engineer Truman confront new dimensions of danger after stumbling onto a secret that could save Earth from total anarchy--if it doesn't kill them first. Following his brush with death on Claustrom, Durt convalesces on the casino planet Midway. He watches a game on a Sunday afternoon and pays scant attention to the home team until an aircraft crashes onto the field and into the stands, killing hundreds. A baffling series of similar attacks on the city's structures bring the wealthiest city in the system to its knees. With their flat near Midway's medical center destroyed, they hop Midway's Underground to seek sanctuary in a downtown hotel. As night falls, they discover a more insidious side of the attack: virtual killers now prowl…
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Brother, where art thou?
It's hard to be unique in Las Vegas. Much more so at a conference in Vegas for indie writers attended by costumed witches, aliens, and fairies. Hell, I saw Batman walking the floor, too. I couldn't imagine that two non-costumed authors could come close to being unique in this environment. I was wrong. Our unique aspect has nothing to do with wardrobe and makeup; it has to do with being … [Read More...]
Frontier Kindness
Frontier. Not the final. The airline. The final frontier? Yes, that's already taken. Not that I wouldn't put it past myself to heist it in a creative way. But not today. Today, Frontier Airlines was kind. The counter agent advised me that I could save $25 if I returned to the kiosk and printed my bag tag myself. Otherwise, she'd have to charge me. I was surprised. Based on how she reacted to my puzzled look, I guessed it wasn't the first one she'd seen today, even though it was 5:30. In … [Read More...]
James Slater serves as the Deputy Director for Communications and Outreach for the Naval History and Heritage Command on the Washington Navy Yard in DC. He leads a team of communicators who respond to inquiries about the U.S. Navy's heritage from Congress, the media and the general public. When not engaged in supporting the country's sea services, he spends time with his family, his friends and the characters of his latest book. His favorite question? "What if?"' I spend a lot of time on the … Read More

Bonus Materials
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